Bulletproof Profits is a secret online application that helps people to make fast money online.
All you need to do in order to make money is to pay 9 dollars and you will easily make 2,000 dollars per day, 14,000 dollars per week or 50,000 dollars per month… yeah right!

Here is what you’ll find inside this Bulletproof Profits review:
Table of Contents
Bulletproof Profits Review
By the help of Amazon and affiliate programs, the Bulletproof Profits promises that they will equip its members with skills and knowledge on how to make money with Amazon
Bulletproof Profits is an online application that was launched in 2019 by someone called Justine Tylor.
It is a new application that was recently published on the ClickBank platform.
To start, you need to part with 9 dollars for you to start making money online without having to sweat for it. The Bulletproof Profits sales videos promise that you can make thousands of dollars in just a day.
How does Bulletproof Profits work?
Since Bulletproof profits is a training platform that teaches people on how to make money online, it offers courses in different levels; level 1 course, level 2 course, bonus strategies,10k affiliate plan, and wealth hypnosis.
• Level 1 course
This is a general course that trains people on ways of making money through AmazonFBA. Unfortunately,level 1 courses are very basic and outdated. They are common knowledge lessons that you can easily find on the web with a simple Google search.

• Level 2 course
The level 2 course is an eBook that you download from the official Bulletproof Profits website, which teaches on the benefit of using paid ads, Facebook marketing, and other social media marketing strategies in an attempt to drive sales and increase profits.
Paid advertising whether on social media or Google SEO, can effortlessly scale your profits if you the right budget and right product are factored.
However, paid ads can easily get very expensive for the business to handle if you do not have enough training on how to use them.
Unfortunately, you will not find thorough training in the member’s area.
• Bonus strategies
Bulletproof Profits lesson coaches people on how to find products they can sell on Amazon to make a profit. The most common advice given is to find local auctions and goods on offer at local stores.
• 10k affiliate plan
This section has two PDFs that will gives a step by step guideline to the members on how they can generate money as Amazon affiliates. Once again, the lessons are basic and very general with no practical step by step guide or no over the shoulder training.
Recommended: See my reviews of Fullstaq Marketer and Jim Rickards.
• Wealth hypnosis
The final training in Bulletproof Profits has motivational videos that encourage the members to have a positive mindset. The videos are very basic with content that you can easily find on a simple search on YouTube
Is Bulletproof Profits a scam?
With only 9 dollars it is impossible to make 2,000 dollars a day.
Bulletproof Profits is a scam whose aim is to rob people.
It is a program whose aim is to suck up money from people by first asking for a low price,9 dollars, then hike it up with one upsell after another as soon as you are in the members’ area.
There are two upsells that you should be aware of in Bulletproof Profits.
The first one is Bulletproof Profits Turbo, which asks the members to give all the cash they have earned to subscribe for the secret Amazon loopholes that will have them get back 10 times the amount.
The second upsell is Bulletproof Paydays that ask people to give an extra 145 dollars and they will get 10 times the cash even faster.
There are legit ways of making money with Amazon, but a few low-quality videos and PDF files that Bulletproof Profits offers will not equip you with knowledge and skills to get you there.
Pros of Bulletproof Profits
Although Bulletproof Profits is a scam, it is a product sold through ClickBank, therefore you are guaranteed that you will get a 60 days full refund policy.

Cons of Bulletproof Profits
They are many disadvantages associated with Bulletproof Profits;
• It is owned by a group of people who choose to remain anonymous and Justine Tylor is a fake name
• They pay actors to tell fake success stories
• There are no genuine stories from people who have benefited from Bulletproof Profits
• On many occasions, they use fake social profiles
Conclusion on Bulletproof Profits
Bulletproof Profits, without a doubt, is a scam that you should avoid.
It is made of scammers who lie to people into thinking that they can get an easy life changing system for only 9 dollars.
The scammers start extorting money from you as soon as you are in the member’s area.