Welcome to my review of InvestorPlace.
If you’re looking for InvestorPlace reviews you’re in the right place.
Having reviewed presentations and newsletters published by InvestorPlace, I decided it was time to take a closer look at the company itself and see what it is all about.
In this review, I take you through the services it offers, the experts who publish through it, what I like and don’t like about it, and my conclusion on whether it is legit or not.
But before we get into it, I should say I have a good feeling about InvestorPlace considering it has been around for more than four decades now, which in itself is quite impressive.
Now, keep reading to find learn more.
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Table of Contents
An Introduction to InvestorPlace
InvestorPlace is a publishing company that gives Main Street investors financial advice. It does that by publishing articles on its website, providing free and paid newsletters, and sharing information through other forms of media.
InvestorPlace was established in 1974 by a man called Tom Philips. His motivation to start it was to provide investors and career money managers with insights that would enable them to make better decisions with their investments.
The current CEO is Brian Hunt. He leads a team of industry insiders and writers who each put their knowledge and experience to use recommending the best investments their readers should make.
Some independent contributors occasionally chip in to give advice where the core group of editors come short or whenever they have unique pieces of information or opinions that they would like to get across.
InvestorPlace has made a name for itself as a place where profitable industry trends are called in time and readers instructed on how to take advantage of them. They have gotten a couple of them wrong but that is to be expected considering that it is impossible to be right 100% of the time when you making investment recommendations.
That being said, whenever its editors make accurate calls, readers often made a lot of money.
Some examples of predictions that have come good include the Dot Com boom in the nineties, The Collapse of the Housing Market in 2008, and individual stocks like Google, Amazon, and Apple.
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InvestorPlace Editors
These are the people who run at least one premium service. There are guest editors who occasionally chip in with an article, but we will not cover them here.
Matt McCall
Matt McCall is an editor at InvestorPlace who wears many hats; he dabbles in cryptos, marijuana, stocks, and options.
He writes and edits the following newsletters: Early Stage Investor, Matt McCall’s Investment Opportunities, Ultimate Crypto, and Matt McCall’s MoneyWire. He also collaborated with Louis Navellier to launch Power Portfolio 2020.
He owns an advisory firm called Penn Financial Group that offers investment advice to big and small investors. He has published two books on investment: The Swing Trader’s Bible and The Next Great Bull Market.
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Louis Navellier
Louis Navellier has been publishing newsletters for three decades. Other than Power Portfolio 2020 that he started with Matt, he publishes a couple of advisory services via InvestorPlace.
He publishes Platinum Growth Club, Accelerated Profits, Breakthrough Stocks, Louis Navellier’s Market 360, and Growth Investor.
He is a growth investor and a quantitative analyst. He has drafted algorithms that have outperformed the market multiple times. His recommendations usually feature a blend of technical and fundamental analysis.
You can check out my review of Louis’s 5G recommendations.
Neil George
Neil George is a former mutual fund manager. He is a trader and investment analyst. He publishes two newsletters at InvestorPlace. They are Profitable Investing: Your Financial Guide for All Seasons and Neil George’s Income Investor’s Digest.
He has been active in the finance industry for 33 years. He started it all at Merrill Lynch International Bank where he took up a couple of roles before he moved to Mark Twain Bank and Guinness Flight.
He has built brokerage platforms and once managed a mutual fund that was worth $1 billion.
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Wade Hansen
Wade is an investment coach, author, and trader. He edits the Strategic Trader newsletter.
He co-wrote an investment book called Profiting With Forex with John Jagerson.
He and John Jagerson established two firms (PFX Global and Learning Markets) to teach investors how to make better decisions in the market. PFX Global, which was inclined towards teaching Forex trading principles, is defunct.
Learning Markets continues to teach investors of all skill levels how to improve their trading skills.
Wade Hansen writes for Nasdaq.com, Yahoo! Finance, Stocks and Commodities Magazine, and Forbes. He has developed trading courses for Saxo Bank, Thinkorswing Group, and Yahoo! Finance.
John Jagerson
Like Wade, he is also an investment coach, analyst, and author.
As mentioned above, he and Wade started Learning Markets and PFX Global, two educational firms that taught and continue to teach investors how to trade. He also co-wrote the book Profiting With Index with Wade.
They co-publish the Strategic Trader at Investorplace.
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Eric Fry
Eric Fry is a former money manager and an expert at short selling and trading in international markets. He edits The Speculator and Fry’s Investment Report. He also contributes to the free e-letter InvestorPlace Digest.
Before he joined InvestorPlace, Eric Fry was a writer at James Grant’s publishing firm.
While working for James Grant, he was an editor for Grant’s Interest Rate Observer. He also helped produce another publication called Grant’s International and Apogee Research.
He won the 2016 edition of the Portfolios with Purpose Competition that pitted him against some of Wall Street’s top minds.
You can check out my review of Eric Fry’s investment strategy.
Jim Lowell
Jim Lowell publishes two newsletters, namely Fidelity Sector Investor and Fidelity Investor.
He specializes in Fidelity funds having worked at Fidelity for a couple of years. He published a book called What Every Fidelity Investor Needs to Know in which he spills the beans on what it takes to be successful as you invest in Fidelity Mutual funds.
He has been following Fidelity funds for the past two decades. There’s no one better equipped to offer the kind of advice he gives.
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Dan Wiener
Dan Wiener and Jeff Demaso jointly publish The Independent Vanguard Fund Analyzer and The Independent Adviser for Vanguard.
He has a team of research analysts whose job is to find profitable Vanguard funds to invest in. He has been offering advice regarding the best Vanguard funds for 28 years.
His insights have made it into publications like Barron’s, Kiplinger, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today.
Jeff DeMaso
He co-publishes The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors with Dan Wiener.
Other than work for InvestorPlace, he also works for Adviser Investments where he is part of a team of researchers who help clients attain their financial goals.
Ken Trester
Ken Trester is an options trader and trainer. At InvestorPlace, he edits Maximum Options and Power Options Weekly.
He started trading options when they became popular in 1973. Back then, he was a computer science tutor at Golden West College. Besides teaching his regular subjects, he trained students to trade options.
He wrote two books on options trading, namely Complete Option Player and 101 Option Trading Secrets. At some point in his career, he worked as a money manager.
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InvestorPlace Free Newsletters
You can subscribe to these newsletters for free. All you have to do to join them is to provide your email address.
InvestorPlace Digest
Almost all experts who work for InvestorPlace contribute to this free e-letter. If you are on the mailing list, you will receive an email every day (seven days a week).
The contributors write about important news in the world of finance. They share their reactions to those news stories.
Louis Navellier’s Market 360
This e-letter by Louis gives you access to the news stories that the mainstream media overlooks or fails to pay much attention to. Louis delves into them and gives his perspective in plain language.
Matt McCall’s MoneyWire
Matt McCall writes to his readers about the latest market trends.
He stops short of giving recommendations and saves that for his paying readers.
However, it is still very informative and it gives you an insight into what Matt is focusing on at any given time.
If you are experienced enough, you can piece together some decent recommendations from that.
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InvestorPlace Insights
This one is a bit like InvestorPlace Digest in the sense that it has many contributors.
It is a good place to read about the best and worst stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs to invest in.
It stops short of creating a model portfolio. It also provides you with 401(k) tips and useful market updates and news.
Income Investor’s Digest (Dividend Digest)
This one is written by Neil George. It comes to you weekly and he uses it to talk about dividend stocks.
If you would like to know how Neil picks his dividend stocks, you should subscribe to this newsletter.
Fund Focus Weekly
The key contributors of this e-letter are Jeff Demaso, Jim Lowell, and Dan Wiener.
They are specialists in investing in Fidelity and Vanguard funds.
They use this e-letter to talk about developments happening in the two platforms.
For example, they talk about new funds, managerial changes, and other big events.
They also highlight the funds they think you should go for and those that you should avoid.
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Trade of the Day
This e-letter is run by Wade Hansen and John Jagerson.
They talk about the stocks and options they think will be great additions to your portfolio.
They send you an email update every trading day.
InvestorPlace Premium Newsletters and Services
These are the services that you have to pay to join.
Growth Investor
Louis Navellier, the lead editor of the Growth Investor newsletter, always aims to beat the market with his stock predictions.
Through the Growth Investor, he picks stocks that are likely to help him achieve his objective as well as pay a dividend. He has a proprietary trading system that screens stocks and enables him to pick dividend growth stocks.
His recommendations are typically mid- to large-cap stocks that meet his criteria.
He recently advertised this service through a presentation titled Tiny Silver Smart Antenna.
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Investment Opportunities
This service is offered by Matt McCall.
Matt believes that buy-and-hold is an ineffective way to invest because the returns you get are not good enough for the risk you expose yourself to.
Therefore, through this newsletter, he looks for profitable trends in the market and finds the stocks that are likely to benefit from them. Then he stress-tests these stocks and finds the right one. He passes it on as a recommendation.
Early Stage Investor
Early Stage Investor, as the name suggests, targets profit opportunities on the ground floor.
Led by Matt McCall, a group of researchers scours the market in search of fledgling companies that have their act together and that are in a growing niche. They recommend the best ones before Wall Street and the mainstream financial media catch on.
Matt is very picky and believes that rather than recommend many good stocks, he would rather find a few that are very good; Quality over Quantity.
This service reminds me of Jeff Brown’s Near Future Report.
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Breakthrough Stocks
Louis Navellier targets small-cap stocks with this one.
The name says it all: he looks for stocks that are breaking through and have the potential to be major hits.
The risk here is that the stocks are volatile and riskier than large-cap stocks.
Platinum Growth
This service is offered by Louis Navellier.
It comprises a model portfolio that combines the stock picks he shares through Growth Investor, Breakthrough Stocks, and Accelerated Profits – all offered by Louis.
He calls it the “Total Wealth System” because it brings together all his other services; if you join Platinum growth, it will be like subscribing to all his other services.
It is cheaper to subscribe to it than subscribe to the other services separately.
Power Portfolio 2020
Power Portfolio 2020 is jointly run by Louis and Matt.
They bring their contrasting styles and investment approaches to the table with this one.
Louis is more into technical analysis while Matt is into the fundamental analysis. At the start of 2020, they put their heads together and picked the stocks that they agreed will be major hits in 2020.
The list is progressively altered to reflect a change in fortunes of the stocks in it as well as changes in the economic climate.
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Cannabis Cash Weekly
Matt is a cannabis investment analyst. With this service, he aims to take advantage of the surge in the pot industry that has been occasioned by legalization in several states.
He encourages his readers to invest in options rather than stocks. The caveat is that marijuana stocks are typically small, hence you are exposed to greater risk due to heightened volatility.
Maximum Options
This one, as the name suggests, specializes in giving its readers options recommendations.
It is offered by expert options trader, Ken Trester. He uses a proprietary system to locate underpriced option trades and recommends them.
Power Options Weekly
As he does with Maximum Options, Ken Trester finds the five most explosive recommendations from his proprietary trading algorithm and recommends them to his readers. He does this every Friday.
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Strategic Trader
This service is offered jointly by John Jagerson and Wade Hansen. They look for hidden patterns in company financial reports and use their findings to share profit opportunities with their subscribers. They recommend two types of options: put writes and covered calls.
They send their subscribers up to three recommendations each week.
Fry’s Investment Report
Fry’s Investment Report is a service published by Eric Fry as the name indicates.
Eric’s strategy is to look for big trends in any industry that span more than one year. Then, he finds the best stocks likely to ride those trends. Fry believes that with that approach, his readers are covered whether the markets doing are good or bad.
Profitable Investing
Profitable Investing is edited by Neil George. It is all about finding income-generating investments. So, Neil typically looks for investments that earn rent, royalties, dividends, and interest checks.
He is always on the lookout for those opportunities to ensure that his readers are taken care of whether the market is doing well or badly.
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The Speculator
Eric Fry has a proprietary algorithm called the “Green Light System.” His goal is to identify big global trends on time – when they are about to take off.
Once he finds a trend, he finds investment opportunities that yield big returns with relatively low risk. He dabbles in bonds, small-cap stocks, options, and commodities.
Although he more or less follows the same strategy with this one as he does with Fry’s Investment Report, he is more speculative with this one.
Do not confuse this with Jim Rickards Crash Speculator.
Accelerated Profits
This one is offered by Louis Navellier. He and his team look for the best stocks in the market irrespective of the industry, type (value, growth, or international), and size (large-, mid- or small-cap).
His main requirement is that they be companies with good fundamentals and steady cash flow. They should have growth potential, which automatically comes when they meet the other two requirements.
He recommends them to his subscribers in time for when they are about to start rising in value. They typically hold them for a few weeks before hopping onto the next batch of recommendations.
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Ultimate Crypto
This is Matt McCall’s cryptocurrency advisory service. His dalliance with cryptos goes back to when he advised people to buy Bitcoin when it was selling for $643.
With this service, he looks at major cryptos and alt-coins and recommends them to his subscribers. In offering this service, he goes against the widely held belief that cryptocurrencies are done.
Fidelity Investor
This service is run by Jim Lowell. The goal here is to find Fidelity funds that are run by the most talented managers.
Jim knows a thing or two about Fidelity funds having worked there for a couple of years. He knows the ins and outs of these funds and acts as a guide with the advice he shares through this service.
Fidelity Sector Investor
Fidelity Sector Investor is also run by Jim. However, he approaches things a bit differently with this one.
While he is conservative with Fidelity Investor, he goes all out with Fidelity Sector Investor, usually targeting short-term aggressive plays. He focuses on ETFs and sector funds.
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The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors
This service is run jointly by Jeff DeMaso and Dan Wiener. Like Jim Lowell, they find the hottest funds. The only difference is that they specialize in Vanguard funds.
Their goal is to help their subscribers find the best actively-managed funds that outperform the passively managed ones.
The Independent Vanguard Fund Analyzer
It is offered by DeMaso and Wiener but it is a bit different from The Independent Advisor for Vanguard Investors. The main difference is that this one is not an advisory service – it does not recommend the best Vanguard funds.
It is an informational service; they started it to plug the information gap that plagues many Vanguard investors. The Fund Analyzer has a rating system and a user-friendly interface, two areas that the official Vanguard website struggles with. It also rates fund managers.
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Is InvestorPlace Legit?
I think InvestorPlace is a legit company for a few reasons:
First, it has a stringent policy against its editors accepting payments to endorse any companies that would like good publicity in the stock market (Some unethical publishers purposely hype up stocks because they are getting paid).
Second, it has had an impressive track record of making good calls on major economic events that have impacted investors’ fortunes.

Third, its pool of editors and writers is drawn from industry insiders and experts. For example, they employ former money managers, traders, engineers, and doctors because they have unique insights about their respective fields that few other people know about.
Usually, these experts have been featured by major financial media outlets or written bestselling books, which proves that they are credible sources.
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What I like about InvestorPlace
- It provides retail investors with trading insights that they wouldn’t otherwise afford to get because formal money managers and analysts charge a premium for such services.
- Its staff is comprised of competent individuals who are either specialists in their field or successful traders and stock market analysts.
- It offers variety; it provides investors with a wide variety of approaches to choose from and it has experts from an array of industries.
Limitations of InvestorPlace
- Its editors are not always accurate and they make bad calls. That’s not necessarily bad because you cannot expect them to be right all the time. It’s just that when they sound so confident (which they usually are) and their predictions go wrong, you will feel blindsided.
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My Final Word on Investorplace
InvestorPlace is a publisher of independent research that gives you a different take on investment opportunities to the mainstream media. That is refreshing because mainstream media tends to focus solely on safe investments and big companies.
InvestorPlace identifies trends before the Mainstream catches on, which allows its audience to make money.
It also shines a light on hidden opportunities and relatively unknown companies that turn out to be very good finds if things work out.
But there is a caveat: InvestorPlace does not provide personalized advice.
Even the premium services merely offer trade suggestions because the editors are not aware of your financial situation.
They just point out good investment opportunities for your consideration.
If you treat its services and material as it should be and implement your strategy, InvestorPlace may prove to be a valuable partner in your quest to become a successful investor.
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What Is InvestorPlace?
InvestorPlace is a publishing company that gives Main Street investors financial advice. It does that by publishing articles, free newsletters and premium newsletters. InvestorPlace has numerous experts who conduct research into the latest investing trends.
What Are InvestorPlace Insights?
InvestorPlace insights is one of the free newsletters offered by InvestorPlace. It gives you access to a range of information regarding investing from stocks, mutual funds and ETFs.
Is InvestorPlace Reliable?
InvestorPlace is a reliable source of investing information and education. They have been around for four decades and stood the test of time. They have numerous experts from legendary investor Louis Navellier to Matt McCall and many others.
What Are InvestorPlace Newsletters?
InvestorPlace has many newsletters both free and paid. To name a few we have Growth Investor, Fry’s Investment Report, Strategic Trader, Money Wire and more. One of their most popular free newsletters is InvestorPlace Insights.
Who Is InvestorPlace Editors?
There are a range of experts who edit newsletters for InvestorPlace. Some of these include Louis Navellier, Matt McCall, Eric Fry, Ken Trester, Neil George and Dan Wiener.