Have you encountered The Beachfront Millionaire Summit by Eric Fry and Mariah Bonner?
Mariah joined Eric at his beachfront house to discuss his investment techniques and his outlook.
I watched the entire video and came away with a few points regarding Eric’s investment strategy. I wrote this review to share them and also give my verdict on the legitimacy of the summit.
Keep reading to find out my take on Eric’s trading strategy.
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Table of Contents
What is The Beachfront Millionaire Summit?
The Beachfront Millionaire Summit by Eric Fry (interviewed by Mariah Bonner) is an advert for his investment recommendatory service, The Speculator.
The interview begins with Eric stating that you can beat the markets easily with the right approach. He acknowledges that many people consider the stock market tough to beat because they haven’t got the right strategy.
He has a proprietary trading system called PRO System (Proprietary Risk-On System) that he uses to pick the best stocks and avoid the duds.
The PRO system helps him distinguish the major highs and lows that every stock cycles through. He believes that all stocks and markets go through cycles that are divided into four stages:
- The first stage (“dead zone”). A stock is cheap but it has no momentum.
- The second stage where the stock is cheap and it also has some momentum
- The third stage when the stock is expensive but risky after a period of sustained growth
- The fourth stage when it is high-risk and likely to go into correction.
The PRO System provides data that is displayed on the PRO Chart, which is then used to identify the winning trades.
When the stock is cheap but has momentum, it is in the Risk-ON zone and thus at the perfect time to buy it. When it enters the expensive but risky Risk-Off zone, it is time to offload it.
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Who is Eric Fry?
Eric Fry is an expert at short selling and international investments.
He is a former hedge fund manager known for his ability to pick winning stocks. His track record has been impressive so far. He has made numerous recommendations out of which 41 have earned returns greater than 1,000%.
In 2016, he participated in a competition called Portfolios with Purpose. He came up against decent portfolio managers and won the competition, beating the S&P 500 a couple of times over.
His work has been featured in The International Herald Tribune, The New York Observer, and Wall Street Journal.
He publishes Fry’s Investment Report and The Speculator through InvestorPlace. He also offers a free e-letter called Eric Fry’s Smart Money.
InvestorPlace works like Agora Financial and Money Map Press.
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How does The Beachfront Millionaire Summit work?
Eric developed his ways of calculating value and momentum, which he uses to produce the “buy” and “sell” signals he uses to identify stocks.
During The Beachfront Millionaire Summit, he mentions that he has identified three megatrends that you should invest in. These sectors are entering the Risk-On phase and they have the potential to register triple-digit gains.
To learn more about them and invest in them, you need to read his report titled Three Giant Megatrends—and Six Ways to Play Them. To receive the report, you need to subscribe to The Speculator.
The other benefits of subscribing to Eric’s newsletter are (1) regular briefings with new investment opportunities sent to you two to three times every month, (2) The Speculator Owner’s manual, and (3) A special report named The Profit Accelerator: The Options Secret to Amplifying Your Stock Gains.
If you buy a one-year subscription for $1,795, you get another year for free. So, it’s like subscribing to two years of the newsletter for $1,795.
You have a 90-day grace period to cancel your membership. However, if you cancel your subscription, you will not be refunded cash, instead, you will receive InvestorPlace credit that you can use to join any other premium service they offer within that price range.
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Merits of The Beachfront Millionaire Summit
- Eric has developed a system that enables him to take the emotion out of his decision making as he trades. This enables him to avoid the common pitfalls that sentimental trading brings.
- His PRO system enables him to time his transactions in a way that he maximizes gains.
Demerits of The Beachfront Millionaire Summit
- The PRO System is not perfect. He can still make bad calls and lose money.
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Is The Beachfront Millionaire Summit legit?
The Beachfront Millionaire Summit is legit because Eric Fry has proven himself as a credible analyst. He has called almost all major market moves of the past 30 years and shared numerous investment recommendations.
Out of his stock picks, 41 have witnessed gains higher than 1,000% and 14 went on to reach 2,000%.
While his record proves the summit is legit, it does not mean that his future recommendations will be 10-baggers. He is still susceptible to making the wrong calls.
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My Final Word on The Beachfront Millionaire Summit
Eric Fry introduces us to his proprietary stock-picking system, the PRO System. With it, he has found a way to reliably identify the moments when a stock is likely to witness an upturn.
It also alerts him when he should make his move and buy a stock or offload a stock or avoid a sector. It has enabled him to avoid market crashes such as the tech crash of the late nineties and the early 2000s.
His strategy is to buy great stocks during a bear market rather than short them and avoid stocks that are likely to witness losses. If you agree with his strategy and want to benefit from his insights, you need to subscribe to The Speculator.
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What Is The Beachfront Millionaire Summit?
The Beachfront Millionaire Summit by Eric Fry is a training event that acts as an advert for his service The Speculator.
Who Is Eric Fry?
Eric Fry is an expert at short selling and international investments. He is a former hedge fund manager known for his ability to pick winning stocks.
What Are The Three Giant Megatrends?
During The Beachfront Millionaire Summit, he mentions that he has identified three megatrends that you should invest in. He has put together a report titled you need to read his report titled Three Giant Megatrends which you will receive when you join his service The Speculator.
Is Beachfront Millionaire Summit Legit?
Yes the Beachfront Millionaire Summit is a legitimate training event. It educates you on investing but also sells the service The Speculator to you.